Ontario Gets Tesla Model X Electric Police Car

With their instant torque delivery, electric cars are primed for high speed police chases, and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) seems to have received the memo.

While the Tesla Model S has been the EV of choice for cities like Los Angeles and Denver, Canada’s largest province opted to base their cruiser on the Tesla Model X SUV instead, showing it off at the 2018 Canadian International Auto Show in Toronto for all to see.

Police departments have so far used Tesla’s vehicles more as a promotional tool rather than a serious, dedicated police vehicle, but it remains to be seen how Ontario will use their new Model X.

No word on which of the three Model X trims (75D, 100D and P100D) they went it, but the P100D is the fastest with a supercar-beating sprint to 60 mph (100 km/h) from a standstill in just 2.9 seconds, while the Model X 100D offers the most endurance with an EV range of 295 miles (475 km).

Imagine being pulled over by a Tesla Model X P100D, let alone chased by one…

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